Category Archives: people

Street Beggar in Marrakesh, Morocco, 2007

Marrakesh is only 2 hours flying time from London but within seconds of arriving in the old town it feels like you have stepped back in time 1000 years. Outside the city walls, things are different. Wide boulevards stretch for vast distances and you could be forgiven for thinking you were in France or America. […]

New York, New York – Manhattan, The Empire State Building and Times Square

In New York, I stayed on Manhattan island, somewhere between Central Park and Times Square. I could take pictures in this city forever. For now I will share 5. I think this shot was taken from Brooklyn Bridge looking back up the island. Wherever you are in NY, you can’t avoid the majesty of The […]

More New York Black and White photographs added to my Black and White Photography Store

Uploaded the following photographs to the store today. I say Black and White but a number of these are colour! I will start with the colour ones first. Stained Glass Window in macro. Shot was taken this year. Cafe Scene. I was bored waiting for the bill and like the colours on the windows Had […]