Category Archives: random

The Louvre, Paris – Black and White Photography

This shot is of IM Pei’s Pyramid at the Louvre, Paris. This pyramid now forms the entrance to the famous museum. This structure is a typical IM Pei design – glass and steel used cleverly to  allow as much natural light to filter into the museum as possible. The similarities between this design and the […]

Detail of Arc De Triomphe, Paris

I read a couple of interesting facts about this monument. The first related to German occupation. Apparently, the Germans insisted on marching through this Archway as a way of insulting the Parisiens. The second fact relates to the flame of the unknown soldier which burns underneath the arch. Apparently it has only ever been extinguished […]

Musicians in Black and White – Place Des Vosges, Paris

On Sunday, I went to Place Des Vosges – a little square – towards the Bastille region. The musicians were playing under the arches and a fairly large crowd had gathered. This part of Paris is fairly difficult to stumble upon but is well worth the visit.