Digital Files downloaded
More sales of digital files this week. The following photographs were sold. Visit to purchase high resolution digital files.
More sales of digital files this week. The following photographs were sold. Visit to purchase high resolution digital files.
Christmas Eve 2005 I went in a taxi to Sugar Loaf Mountain. In reality this means arriving at the rock in front of Sugar Loaf and taking a cable car up to Sugar Loaf itself. Unfortunately the cable car was shut. Nevertheless, a herd of local taxi drivers were waiting nearby. After some careful negotiations, […]
Until I arrived in Lucca, I had no idea to expect. The walled city is beautiful and I only wished I could have stayed longer. I trekked up to the top of one of Lucca’s many towers and shot this picture.
Christopher Wren designed the magnificent St Paul’s Cathedral which was completed on his 76th birthday in 1708. The famous dome was the third design submitted by Wren and is an example of late renaissance style architecture. If it were not for the great fire of London in 1666, Wren my not have had his chance […]
People often ask me what works when selling online. Having been doing this since 2002, I can offer a little bit of advice based on my experiences. To begin with, my typical customer is an American female, usually between the ages of 30 and 50. A typical order is for a 16 x 12 or […]